Muse Engine

Personal Game Engine made for learning purposes, in C++
Project Overview
I started out with my a personal game engine project because I wanted to expand my C++ logic. I found a youtuber called TheCherno, which has an game engine tutorial series. Because I had no idea where to start, I decided to follow this tutorial series and see where it would lead me. I followed the tutorial series until episode 87.

Things I learned:
- Learned ways of making a game engine multiplatform.
- Window handling using GLFW.
- Expanded my OpenGL knowledge.
- 2D sprite batching.
- How to use Premake.
- How to use Macro's.
- How to use ImGui
My Contributions
(Aside from following TheCherno game engine series, I also added some features of my own)

- Data oriented ECS, inspired by Unity DOTS.
- EventSystem.
- ResourceManager.
- 2D bullethell game as testing enviroment.
- Raytracer/Pathtracer.